Masterpieces from the Ancient Metropolis with a 360° Panorama by Yadegar Asisi
Picture Gallery- Location
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Currently on display at

Museumsinsel Berlin
Am Kupfergraben 2
10117 Berlin
12 EUR, concessions 6 EUR
Up to 18 years free entry
Changed opening hours due to the coronavirus. Find out about opening hours, tickets and your visit to the exhibition at:
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Panorama of the Ancient Metropolis
PERGAMON is a journey to the ancient Greek city of Pergamon in Asia Minor as it existed in 129 CE. It depicts the Roman era under Emperor Hadrian, who spent some time in the city. Embedded in the 300 m high terraces of the acropolis on a hill, the city, situated near the western coast of modern Turkey, boasted monumental architecture with temples and a theatre surrounded by a mountainous landscape. The Roman cityscape unfolds at the bottom of the mountain while the Mediterranean can be seen on the horizon. Alongside the emperor, Pergamon’s inhabitants are depicted going about their routines of 2,000 years ago in various scenes.
Thanks to a unique international collaboration with the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Berlin State Museums), an artwork has been created that combines the results of years of research with the work of contemporary artist Yadegar Asisi into a one-of-a-kind experience. Various well-known discoveries from classical archaeological collections in the Pergamon museum are put on display so that visitors can immerse themselves in ancient life. This makes it possible for guests to experience what it was like to see the Pergamon Altar at its original location on the acropolis. The frieze, only pieces of which have survived, was also painstakingly artistically recreated and coloured in by Asisi as a ‘project within a project’.
The Panorama was developed in 2011/2012 as part of a special exhibition at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and will be reopened in Berlin in 2018. In 2016, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York displayed a video installation related to the Panorama.
Past exhibition locations of PERGAMON
2011 / 2012, Berlin
2016, New York
Two exceptional publications – an illustrated book and a more compact magazine – open up the world of the ancient city of Pergamon and the unique exhibition project run by the Antikensammlung of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin with a panorama by Yadegar Asisi.
Panorama music and soundscape by Eric Babak
From the pilot project EVEREST onwards, Yadegar Asisi is collaborating with the well-known composer and pianist Eric Babak. In close collaboration between the two artists, the impressive soundscape of the panoramas is harmonized directly in the exhibition space with the lighting patterns to create an atmospheric overall installation. Depending on the project, the productions use, among other things, large orchestras and choirs, but also minimalist synthesizer sounds in combination with everyday noises to make the special atmosphere of the themes audible and tangible in the constant change of panorama sequences.